Monthly Archives: September 2010

Stop playing, Zara!

I managed to go to Zara every day I was in New York. And every day I found something new to have a meltdown about. In short: JESUS, TAKE THE WHEEL! LEAD ME NOT INTO TEMPTATION! VERILY!

*clears throat*

I ended up leaving with

two dresses,

a cardigan (which is very similar to one that I already have but too good to leave behind), mustard colored tights and some socks for the boys.

But let’s talk about what was LEFT BEHIND, mkay? First of all…the COATS.

This lovely creature:

This skirt will HAUNT MY DREAMS.


Filed under Adventures, Pretty things, Stylefile

In Bloom

Cardigan: Fossil

Dress: Fossil

Tights: Sock Dreams

Shoes: Seychelles

Earrings: Redux

Whoa. I totally forgot about this post (I’m in New York right now with my sister Bethany and my auntie Annie).  I wore this dress sometime last week. I’ve only worn these shoes one other time. I’m not used to them yet, I tried my hardest not to fall on my face all day. I would write more but I need to go take a shower and brave the wilderness again. Hope everyone’s having a great weekend!

ETA: I forgot to say that I got these shoes for thirty bucks on Amazon! I had seen them on another site for more than double that, too. Yeeeah. Still feels good.


Filed under Stylefile


I need these coats in my life. NEED.

You say epaulets, I say SWOOOON.

So cute, it burns!


Filed under Love, Pretty things

I wish you could put yourself in my suitcase

Some pics of what I plan on wearing in NY:

(Not pictured: my red and cream striped Corey Lynn Calter dress, it’s at the seamstress’ right now…)

Newsboy caps, my favorite cloche, some shirts, cardigans and BDG jeans.

Frye boots, Bass saddle shoes, Pink Studio MJs and Pink Studio sandals.

Is this too much for 3.5 days? Probably, but a girl needs options! I also plan on stopping by Uniqlo and Zara so I’ll be bringing back some stuff (hopefully) as well. Must…not…overpack…

Teach me eHow!


Filed under Adventures, Happy Feet, Stylefile


Bomber: Andy and Bax

Shirt: Buffalo Exchange

Jumper: Old Navy

Sweater: Fossil

Tights: Rite Aid?

Brogues: Franco Sarto

Belt: Ladybird’s General Store

Here’s an outfit from a couple of days ago.

Four days until I head off to NYC for my thirtieth birthday! I’m excited and scared; I’m trying not to think about how much I’m going to miss my guys. Packing is going to be interesting. I want to bring multiple outfit options for each day but I don’t really want to have more than one carry on bag (I’m only going to be there for 3 days). I’ll try to post outfit ideas, not sure if I’ll have time though.

I can’t wait to see my sister Bethany and my Aunt! And I can’t wait to see the city again. The last time I was there I was eight years old. My memories of New York are still so vivid though: I can remember the packed streets and the brownstones. The top of the Empire State Building (I kept imagining my year old brother falling, I was so scared!). TRAFFIC. The crowded apartment in Queens where we were staying. And let’s not forget impaling myself on an iron fence.

Good times.

Good times.

SRSLY though: New York, New York! It’s a wonderful town!


Filed under Stylefile

Maryanne Shipoppins

Hat: Porch Light

Coat: Nordstrom (Tulle)

Shirt: Trovata (Gilt)

Skirt: Lived-in Lover (which is sadly no more)

Shoes: Nicole

The first time I wore this skirt a woman curled her lip at me and said, “I wore a skirt like that in Catholic school. Why in the world are you wearing my Catholic school skirt?!” NICE LADY! I was bummed for a second but then I noticed that she was wearing tevas and I realized we spoke completely different languages.

Anyway, this outfit is so Mary Poppins +

Anne Shirley, AM I RIGHT?

Very nanny. Very school teacher. My first year in college, at the ripe old age of sixteen (going on seventeen *spins round in a gazebo*) I was told that I looked like a school teacher. Just what a young girl wants to hear. Then, when I decided to major in English everyone said, “I KNEW IT!” Except I didn’t want to teach, nuh uh NO WAY. It just made way more sense than anything else.

Check out Anne Shirley. Besides her oversized puff sleeves, her outfit is made of win. *grabs clock brooch* And Gilbert…OH, GIL.

Anne, I am so mad at you right now. Stop. RESISTING.

I am not ashamed of loving this series SO MUCH (okay the third one sucked, but I still own it). I wrote Jonathan Crombie’s name with hearts next to it in my grade school (okay, and high school) journal. I still have dreams of visiting Prince Edward Island just so I can walk on sand dunes and say things like, “But you hurt my feelings EXCRUTIATINGLY.” to the ocean waves.

Apparently there’s a musical too? Be still my beating heart.


Filed under Stylefile


Tanks: J. Crew

Skirt: Anthropologie

Shoes: Frye

I had plenty of light when I started taking pictures. Jack, where’d the sun go?

5:54 FTW. In the Army Now. So much awesome, TRUST.

Here’s my favorite skirt again! I want to get as much wear out of it as I can, I don’t tend to wear it during the cooler/rainier months.


Filed under Stylefile

Fasten your seatbelts it’s going to be a bumpy ride

But not really.

Bethany wants me to talk about more about myself. *chuckles softly* If you insist.

If you could have one superpower what would it be? I can never decide! Hardest question ever! I’d love to fly, I’d love to be indestructible, I’d love to be able to read minds. If I had to choose one? Grrrr. Um. Okay. I’d prob choose mind-reading since I hear voices in my head anyway, and that way I’d know for sure that I wasn’t crazy.

Who is your style icon? I don’t think I have one. I really love Janelle Monae’s style, though.

and Zooey Deschanel’s

*waves to JiGgLe*

My style is mostly preppy. I want to incorporate more steampunk and rockabilly pieces into my wardrobe as well, but don’t know if I can pull it off. I look too much like a schoolteacher.

What is your favorite quote? Yikes. There are too many to count. They’re all TV/movie quotes.

“I’ll be in my bunk.” -Jayne Cobb, Firefly

“A man cried because he had no desk. Until he met a man with no feet and the no feet man told him that there was such a thing as a budget and WNYX was way way over it, the end.” -Jimmy James, Newsradio

“Quit trying to look through my dress and see my nipples.” Crazy lady, The War

Anything that comes out of Jane Lynch’s mouth, really.

What is the best compliment you have ever received? That I am funny/witty. I like making people laugh.

What playlist/CD is in your CD player/playing right now? I have been listening to An End has a Start by Editors NONSTOP. I want to hump it, it’s so good. I also want someone to make it into a broadway play. THIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN. Also The Suburbs by The Arcade Fire,
old school Elvis Costello, Metric, Passion Pit, The Raveonettes, Tiger Army, and Matt Pond PA.

Are you a night owl or a morning person? I guess I’m a morning person. I can’t sleep past 8 anymore, and the latest I get to bed is midnight usually, even on the weekends.

Do you prefer dogs or cats? Dogs. Cats are annoying, but dogs are more work so I own a cat.

What is the meaning behind your blog name? I had been listening to a lot of Psychedelic Furs, and thought that Pretty in PDX was a good way to sum up what I was going for.


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Filed under Me

Do you know what today is?

Shirts: J. Crew and Fossil

Skirt: Nordstrom

Mary Janes: Pink Studio

I couldn’t decide between the black or the white shirt.

It’s my 7th Anniversary today. My Andyversary. Heh. We’ve been married for seven years and have been together for over ten. We were both so young when we met and incredibly dramatic, and now we’re friggin’ adults with kids and still incredibly dramatic. He loves to make me laugh and I love to do my sexy dance for him (it involves jerky motions and an excessive overbite). I can’t imagine my life without him. He’s my best friend, my love, and my life.  I’m so lucky to have him.

My sister Bethany took this picture back in 2001? 2002? Somewhere around there. Look at those baby faces. ELECTRIC YOUTH. I put our names on the side of the picture just in case we forgot them.

I love you, Andy!


Filed under Love, Stylefile


Bowler hat: Goorin

Sweater and tights: Target

Dress: Buffalo Exchange

Boots: Frye

I managed to take these pictures the two seconds the rain decided to take a break. Sorry they’re so dark!

I was going to pair this dress with my new saddle shoes, but after I saw the pools of water forming outside I decided it was a boots kind of day. I love these boots, the second I have 2oo or more dollars to randomly blow I won’t think twice about getting another pair. So awesome.

The bowler hat I love in theory but I’m not sure it works on my head.

And now on to the music portion of the show:

One of my favorite songs with rain in the title. Old school. College, to be exact. This song will always remind me of being young and overly dramatic. Well, I’m not so young anymore at least. Anyway, I can’t listen to this song without also listening to “Sleeping Satellite” by Tasmin Archer and “Come Here Boy” by Imogene Heap (check out those names, right?).

They all have the same kind of sound and elicit the same feeling in me, like I’ve (to quote “Into the Ocean” by Blue October) “relaxed and floated into space”. Yeah, I’m gonna add that song to the list as well.


Filed under Headgear, I feel pretty, Stylefile