Tag Archives: Atlantic Treefox

Queen for a Day

Thrifted shirt (Etsy), Fossil cardigan, Atlantic treefox Crown badge

Thrifted skirt (Ladybird’s General Store *sniff*)

Sock dreams tights and socks, Gee WaWa boots

1. So you know when you go to a kid’s birthday party and you try to make awkward conversation with the other parents and fail? Just fail SO HARD? Oh, just me? Right. So, to make a long story complicated: I was talking to the mother of the little boy whose birthday party we were all attending. She mentioned that her father lived on our street, and I said: “Oh, where? It’s a pretty short street.” Turns out he’s our next door neighbor? Weird! We stood there nodding appropriately. This is where the conversation should’ve ended.

“You look like him!” I said.

Andy was shaking his head beside me. “No, it’s her father-in-LAW.” he said and my stomach made a pit stop at my feet. To make matters more awesome, the actual offspring of our neighbor (his son, her husband) decided to check in to the conversation at that moment.

“Oh. Gosh.” I laughed nervously. I had to save myself. “Um, you do look like him though. So I guess you could say you and your husband look like siblings. You know…”Aaaand exit stage left. To Andy’s credit, he just smiled at me sweetly as if to say, “Oh my dear sweet wife, at it AGAIN!”

Yes, when in doubt JOKE ABOUT INCEST. NAILED IT.

2. We went grocery shopping later. As I’m checking out at Trader Joe’s the cashier decides to try and make polite conversation with me. Doesn’t she know that’s a bad idea?!

“So, um…what are you weekend plans?” she asked.

“Well, today I went to a birthday party for a two year old. Awkward.”

“Oh, why was it awkward?”

“Well, you know. Having to make polite conversation with people. I’m not good at it.” Oh, and have I mentioned that I love self fulfilling prophecy?!

“Oh,” she stammered. “Really?”

“Yeah, I have this problem? It involves my foot and my mouth.”


But not really. We continued talking since she hadn’t finished scanning my frozen fruit. And then I tried to walk NOT RUN back to the car.

“You’re the only person I should talk to ever,” I told Andy as I slid into the passenger’s seat.

He smiled, already knowing where this conversation was headed. “What’d you do?”

I told him and he laughed and said, “Oh my dear sweet wife, at it AGAIN!” No, he didn’t. But he gets me. I love him.

3. And I love this show:

4. I’m trying my luck at selling some shoes on Ebay. Check it out if you wear 7.5!




Filed under Adventures, Good times, KIDS., Stylefile

Rockin’ Rockdales

ZARA shirtdress, vintage jumper, thrifted belt, HUE tights, otbt rockdale booties, Atlantic Treefox fox badge

It began to snow while I took my pictures.

I’ve had this jumper for a while, I bought it at this truly fantastic vintage store in Eugene that I can’t remember the name of (I remember my friend Meg being lucky as well and finding an GAH-MAZING black swing coat). I think it’s handmade, I like to think of it as someone’s labor of love. I knew immediately upon seeing it that it had so much potential (and pockets!),  but ended up barely wearing it because I thought it looked awkward on me. I’ve since had it shortened and taken in on the top and am quite pleased with the result. And my fox badge compliments it perfectly!


The OTBT booties that I’ve been lusting after for LITERALLY (like that, Andy?) eons are finally mine! I went with black instead of grey, though. Aren’t they lovely? With their laces and rounded toe and THE FRILLY TONGUE THAT IS OUT OF CONTROL OMG.

Don’t mind me. I’ll just be in the corner, crooning to my shoes.

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Filed under Stylefile


Shirt: Buffalo Exchange

Sweater: Gap

Pants: J CREW

Shoes: Bass

Button: Atlantic Treefox

Don’t you love it when the socks you blindly grab for in the early hours of the morning perfectly match your outfit? Score!

I love my crown badge; my boss saw it and asked me if my nickname had been Queen or Princess growing up. Ha! I was more of a “Mouse”, quiet and shy and always somewhere reading a book instead of socializing. I was fascinated (and still am, quite frankly) by people who oozed confidence and said whatever came to mind. I always thought that when I turned thirty I would be like that. I’m not quite there yet.

This is the kind of outfit that I wore non stop in high school. Sweaters/sweater vests, chinos/cords, my dad’s argyle socks and oxfords. This particular outfit was based off of the fact that I had a chiropractic appointment that day and I needed to wear pants seeing as my Doctor would be lifting my legs up repeatedly. I also wanted to wear my saddle shoes. And voila. MAGIC.

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