Waste your brain, wax your board, pray for waves.

Okay, I’m going to try and write this in the two seconds I have before Zain wakes up.

Hmmm. Let’s see. I sort of snorkeled yesterday, but realized that it’s not really my bag. Maybe someday I’ll feel more comfortable breathing through my mouth underwater. I did successfully see some fish and other things that I could see at an aquarium for several minutes before I started freaking out though. I decided I’d rather swim instead. And so I did. And then Andy took the gear and I took Z, who practically climbed me like a tree to keep from touching the water. I ended up speaking with some guy (who lives right across the street from our resort) for a while. I would NOT want to live here. Tourists everywhere. Crowded beaches most of the year. I’d rather live in UpCountry. So gorgeous. There are really cool shops and old buildings, beautiful hills and trees and farms. A LOT of gigantic churches. We walked around Makawao for a bit and drove through Pa’ia. Today we’ll really check it all out, and then head off to a luau later on.

(Oh! Saturday was our 5th anniversary. We celebrated with burgers and fries- courtesy of Cool Cat Diner on Front Street. :P)

Random: everything that could possibly get on my clothes this trip has. Grease, chocolate, grape juice, aaaaand bird shit. YES. I should be a walking advertisement for that Tide-to-go pen. I think my siblings used to call me “hole-in-chin” when I was younger because everything I put in my mouth would invariably leak onto my clothes. I blame this recent relapse on pregnancy.

And now: gaze upon these…


Filed under Good times, Life, Truly?

5 responses to “Waste your brain, wax your board, pray for waves.

  1. First, let me say … “Wahinis…ewww!” And secondly, your son’s bowed legs make me drool AND … eeee Rip Squeak bag!!!!!

  2. Jen

    That picture captures the second and a half that he took interest in the fish. Then he was off. He went CRAZY at the aquarium. There’s a picture of him squealing that I will share with you later. Too funny.

  3. Give it unto us, my child.

  4. Heh, I was going to post the shark one!

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